Breakfast! It’s the most important meal of the day…
It helps set the tone for the day, ensures you’ve got enough energy to get things going and is crucial if you’re looking to stay (or get) in shape.
And while half the world is kicking off the day with cereal or toast - we like to make sure that breakfast is filled with protein.
So how do we start the day with enough protein in our breakfast?
We have some ideas for you, whether it’s a sweet or savoury choice, that will keep you filled up till lunch.
Why do we need protein at breakfast?
Protein is an essential macronutrient, and whether you want to pack on muscle or gain weight control, protein is the backbone of any diet.
And if you want to start the day on the front foot, you’ll need a healthy, protein-packed breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is never a good idea, even if you’re on the most calorie-restricted diets, as it will lead to you feeling lethargic and craving high-calorie snacks.
Packing protein into your first meal will leave you feeling fuller for longer and give you the energy boost you need to kick-start your day.
Related content: What’s the best way to get protein into your diet?
Breakfast ideas…
So, what can you eat that’s healthy and delicious and will keep you full up til lunch?
Here are some of our favourite breakfasts,..
1. Breakfast Wrap

Spread some hummus on a wholegrain tortilla, add some chicken and top it with avocado, cheese and chicken breast.
It’s a quick, easy-to-make breakfast packed full of protein and will leave you feeling like you’ve had a decent breakfast, but not to the extent that you feel over-full.
2. Granola with yoghurt

Oatmeal and granola topped with some greek yoghurt and honey is a delicious way to start the day and will pack in the protein in the best possible way- one that you find highly palatable.
It’s a simple option and great for preparing when you’re short on time, and it’s full of fibre and probiotics.
3. Breakfast protein shakes
Surely the “holy grail” of protein-packed breakfast choices. Half a dozen strawberries, a spoonful of greek yoghurt, a teaspoon of honey, and a cup of almond milk; blended for a smooth, delicious shake. You can even add a scoop of whey protein powder to make it more filling.
It’s perfect for those in a hurry as it can be consumed quickly, but you’ll enjoy the taste for those with more time!
4. Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins

Oatmeal muffins are great for a quick-fix protein-packed breakfast, as you can put your food of choice on top of them. Eggs, Fruit and even some protein powder sprinkled on the top will make a filling breakfast and leave you ready for the day ahead.
This is especially favoured by those who plan to head straight to the gym afterward, as it’s relatively light but contains the nutrients required to build and repair muscle tissue. You can adapt it to suit a sweet or savoury breakfast.
5. Cottage Cheese Bowl
Low-fat cottage cheese is the perfect start to the day if you’re looking for a protein booster. This is another easy-to-prepare breakfast that you can adapt to suit your palate.
You can add your choice of topping, such as tomato, salt, pepper, or maybe even black beans, and it’s protein-packed and ready to go.
6. Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are always top of the list for many, and scrambled eggs are a tasty way to start the day, leaving you feeling full but without a massive calorie intake.
Spice them up with spring onions and peppers or even seeds. You’ll get an added fibre boost too.
7. Banana Protein Flatbread

A high-fibre flatbread can be used to protein pack your breakfast. Toast the flatbread and combine three tablespoons of peanut butter and one tablespoon of protein powder, adding two to three tablespoons of water and stirring until it’s spreadable. Then spread the mixture onto the flatbread and top if off with a sliced banana.
8. Smoked Salmon on Toast

Packed full of omega-3 and protein, this could be one of the healthiest starts to the day imaginable. Better still, it’s one of the easiest to prepare. Just stick a few slices of smoked salmon on some wholegrain toast, and you’re away.
9. Protein Pancakes
If you have some extra time in the morning, you’ll find these well worth preparing, and while they’re high in protein, they are low in calories.
Take 1/2 cup each of egg whites, oatmeal, a tablespoon of protein powder, and 1% cottage cheese, and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Cook the batter like a pancake for around one minute until each side is brown.
10- A toasted Protein Breakfast Sandwich
A sandwich gives you the freedom to pack in your favourite high-protein items, and it’s another simple and easy option that doesn’t require much thought or preparation. Top of your list should be eggs, cheese, ham, chicken and bacon. For those looking for something a bit more filling.
So breakfast is a definite - whether you’re wanting to build muscle or lose weight, filling it will protein will stop those mid-morning hunger cravings in their tracks.
A whey protein powder is an easy way to add protein to any meal. And Crazy Nutrition’s Tri-Protein combines six high-powered proteins that are digested at 3 intervals. This allows you to go longer, lift harder, and feel 100% sustained without stomach cramps, hunger pangs, or “food coma” crashes—the perfect addition to your breakfast.