What To Do After a Workout

What To Do After a Workout: 11 Top Post-Training Tips

11 min read


22 Jul 2024

Grab your cheat sheet…

  1. The importance of post-workout recovery
  2. 11 post-training tips to level up your fitness efforts
  3. Tips for building muscle
  4. Tips to lose weight
  5. Additional strategies for muscle recovery
  6. How to avoid muscle soreness
  7. Final thoughts...

Sweat-drenched shirts cling uncomfortably to your skin, muscles aching in the wake of your intense workout

The post-training phase can feel like a formidable opponent, challenging your body's ability to recover and adapt.

But fear not because we've compiled our top post-training tips to elevate your fitness journey. These tips are the secret weapons that will help you maximise your efforts, accelerate your recovery, and transform your workout routine for the better.

So, get ready to conquer post-training success with these essential strategies that will guide you towards achieving your fitness goals and maintaining peak performance.

Let's go.

The importance of post-workout recovery

man after workout

After an intense workout, your muscles need time to rebuild and repair. Without proper post-training care, you can hinder your muscle-boosting potential.

So, before we get into our training tips, let’s look at the benefits of proper post-workout recovery…

  • Muscle repair and growth
  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Replenishes energy stores in your muscles.
  • Improves future workout performance
  • Lowers the risk of injury
  • Helps with hormonal balance
  • Reduces stress and improves mental wellbeing
  • Immune support
  • Enhances muscle flexibility and range of motion

When you prioritise post-workout care, you give your body the tools it needs to bounce back stronger and more resilient than ever. So, to sculpt your muscles, stay energised, and conquer your workouts, stay locked in!

Read: How To Improve Your Endurance and Level Up Your Workouts

11 post-training tips to level up your fitness efforts

General tips

These tips will help you maximise the benefits of the post-training period, including recovery strategies, nutrition recommendations, and lifestyle adjustments. 

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a beginner on your fitness journey, we’re here to help you optimise your training results and promote overall wellbeing.

Warm-up and cool down

Warming up before exercise is crucial for preparing your body for the workout ahead. It helps increase your heart rate, improve blood flow to your muscles, and loosen up your joints. A proper warm-up can also reduce the risk of injury by gradually preparing your body for more intense activity.

So, what should a good warm-up look like, exactly? It should include five to 10 minutes of light cardio, such as jogging, jumping jacks, or cycling, to get your heart rate up. 

Follow this with dynamic stretching to warm up your muscles and increase flexibility. Dynamic stretches involve moving parts of your body while stretching, such as leg swings or arm circles.

Just as warming up is essential, cooling down is equally important to help your body recover after a workout. A cool down helps lower your heart rate gradually, prevent dizziness, and reduce muscle soreness. It also allows for the removal of waste products, such as lactic acid, from your muscles.

After your workout, spend five to 10 minutes cooling down with light cardio or walking to bring your heart rate back down. 

Follow this up with static stretching to help relax your muscles and improve flexibility. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds without bouncing, focusing on major muscle groups like hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves.

Don't skip this essential step. By stretching and cooling down, you enhance flexibility, reduce muscle stiffness, and prevent potential injuries.

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.

man drinking water

Hydration plays a crucial role in your overall performance and well-being during exercise, making it a key factor to prioritise in your workout routine. 

When you work out, your body temperature rises, causing you to sweat in order to cool down. This process of sweating can lead to fluid loss, potentially leading to dehydration if not properly managed. 

By staying well-hydrated, you can sustain your energy levels, enhance endurance, and push through your workout with greater ease. 

Hydration is also crucial for optimal muscle function and recovery. Water is essential for transporting nutrients and oxygen to your muscles, as well as removing waste products like lactic acid. 

When you're adequately hydrated, your muscles can work more efficiently and recover more effectively after exercise, reducing the risk of cramps and muscle fatigue.

Here are some key tips…

  • Drink water before, during, and after your workout, aiming to sip water consistently throughout your session.
  • Pay attention to your body's thirst cues and drink water even before you feel thirsty.
  • If you're engaging in intense or prolonged exercise, consider consuming a sports drink to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat.
  • Monitor the color of your urine as a simple indicator of your hydration status. Pale yellow urine is a good sign of adequate hydration, while dark yellow urine may indicate dehydration.

Rehydrating after a workout helps regulate body temperature, aids digestion, and supports muscle function.

Properly cleanse and practice proper hygiene

After a tough workout, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of taking a well-deserved shower or bath. 

But beyond the feelings of refreshment and relaxation, there are many benefits to properly focusing on your hygiene after exercise, like…

  • Properly cleansing your skin after a workout can help to remove these impurities, unclog your pores, and keep your skin looking healthy and radiant.
  • Solid hygiene practices like showering, using deodorant, and changing into clean clothes can help to reduce odour-causing bacteria (bye-bye, athletes foot!).
  • Cleansing yourself and your workout gear after exercise can help to reduce your exposure to these germs while supporting your immune system's ability to fight off infection and illness.

Get good sleep

man sleeping

Quality sleep is the ultimate secret weapon for post-workout recovery, as it allows your body to repair, recharge, and re-energise.

To improve your quality of sleep, you can use these strategies…

  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to help your body wind down and prepare for sleep.
  • Avoid stimulants like caffeine and electronics for several hours before bedtime.
  • Set up a comfortable sleep environment with a cool temperature, supportive mattress, and calming ambience (18 degrees is the ‘slumber sweet spot’).
  • Seek medical advice if you're experiencing sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea.

Try active recovery

Engage in light exercises, like walking, yoga, to flush out toxins, improve blood circulation, and enhance recovery.

Active recovery exercises such as light jogging, swimming, or cycling help increase blood flow to the muscles, promoting blood circulation. 

By having your blood pumped around your body from active recovery, it allows for essential nutrients and oxygen to the muscles. 

This facilitates the repair and rebuilding of muscle fibers, leading to improved muscle growth and overall recovery.

Read: 9 Tips To Optimise Your Rest Days

Tips for building muscle

Achieving your muscle-building goals requires more than just lifting weights. Following a post-training routine will ensure you stay revved up during your workouts and give your muscles the fuel they need to recover! Here are some key post-training tips for building muscle:

6. Stack up on the protein

high protein foods

To repair and rebuild muscle, choose meals that contain healthy carbs and high-quality proteins. 

Protein options that help to build muscle include…

  • Eggs
  • Lean meats
  • Fish
  • Whey protein
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Low-sugar protein bars

Consuming these foods stimulates muscle protein synthesis, which is like your body’s construction team—repairing and building stronger muscles in response to exercise and protein intake.

Read: The Benefits of Adding Whey Protein To Your Diet

7. Be choosy with carbs

Carbs help your muscles to recover, while proteins support muscle growth. Carbohydrates to eat after a workout include…

  • Oats
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Fruits (bananas, berries, and apples)
  • Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, and carrots)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, and chickpeas)
  • Whole grain bread

8.  Supplementation

man drinking supplement

You can use a range of supplements that come in pill, powder or liquid form. These tip top supplements support muscle growth after intense exercise, including…

Note: Before starting a new diet or supplement regime, please talk to a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

Tips to lose weight

From nutrition to lifestyle changes to good habit-making,  here are some post-training tips that will contribute to successful and sustainable weight loss.

9. Portion control

For your post-workout meal, it’s still a good idea to be mindful of your food portions. By managing portion sizes effectively,  you have the power to take better control of your caloric intake. 

Here’s how you can tackle portion control…

  • Use smaller plates to create the illusion of a fuller plate with smaller portions
  • Follow serving size guidelines
  • Fill half your plate with vegetables
  • Practice mindful eating
  • Pre-portion snacks
  • Be mindful of liquid calories

10.  Avoid sugary drinks and food

Sugar-sweetened drinks and other sugary foods are associated with a range of health risks, including weight gain, obesity, type two diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities, and gout (a type of arthritis).

Limiting sugary drink intake can help with maintaining a healthy weight and reduce the likelihood of developing chronic conditions associated with excessive sugar consumption. 

By being mindful of the health risks of sugary foods and drinks, you can make informed choices and prioritise your wellbeing.

11. Monitor your progress

man measuring waist

Monitoring your progress when losing weight involves a combo of tracking the right metrics and paying attention to how you feel.

One method could be regularly weighing yourself, ideally at the same time each day to ensure consistency. 

If you’re not a fan of scales, you could take body measurements (waist, hips, chest, arms, and thighs) every few weeks to monitor changes in body composition, as muscle gain can offset weight loss on the scale. 

Alternatively, you can just keep a food diary or use an app to track your daily calorie intake and ensure you're staying within your target range. 

While looking for signs of outward changes, also pay attention to non-scale victories like increased energy levels, improved fitness, looser-fitting clothes, and better overall wellbeing. Merging these methods provides a holistic view of your weight loss journey and helps maintain motivation.

Read: How Much Protein Do I Need For Building Muscle?

Additional strategies for muscle recovery 

man stretching hamstring

We all aim for optimal muscle recovery. But it can be tricky to alter your mindset to avoid overtraining and take rest days. 

Sometimes, less is more. Muscle recovery is needed to maximise the benefits of your workouts and prevent injury. In addition to the tips above, which all help with muscle recovery after a workout, here are some additional post-workout ideas.

Massage and recovery tools: Professional massages or using recovery tools like massage guns or percussion massagers can help improve circulation and reduce muscle tension.

Cold therapy: Applying ice packs or taking cold showers can help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness after intense workouts.

Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of overtraining or excessive fatigue, and be willing to adjust your workout intensity or take additional rest days as needed.

How to avoid muscle soreness

man rubbing sore shoulder

While muscle discomfort can be a good sign that you're pushing your body, it can hinder your progress if the soreness is not managed properly. 

To stay revved up, stay on track with your goals, this is what you can do to prevent or minimise muscle soreness and aid your recovery.

Gradual progression: One key to avoiding muscle soreness is to gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Rapidly pushing your body beyond its current capabilities can lead to excessive muscle damage. Instead, allow your muscles time to adapt by slowly progressing your workouts over time. 

Proper form: Maintaining proper form while exercising is not only important for maximising results but also for avoiding unnecessary muscle strain and soreness. Make sure your technique is correct, especially when lifting weights or engaging in complex movements. 

Rest and recovery: Make sure to give your muscles time to rest and recover between workouts. Aim for one to two days of rest per week to allow your muscles to repair and rebuild.

Foam rolling: Incorporating foam rolling into your post-workout routine can help with muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness.

Final thoughts…

Focusing on proper hydration and rest, nutrition, and post-workout stretching are crucial for avoiding muscle soreness and recovering well.

Now, you have everything you need to optimise your post-workout routine to enhance your overall fitness experience. By gradually progressing workouts, paying attention to form, and allowing for ample rest and active recovery—you can maximise your workout results. 

By testing these strategies and being consistent with your routine, you’ll be able to reach your goals and maintain them. 

Once you cultivate a healthy and sustainable approach to fitness and wellbeing, you’ll be empowered to follow through and conquer your goals.


Amplify your workouts with Crazy Nutrition Tri-Protein

Looking for the perfect post-workout supplement? Why not try Crazy Nutrition’s TRI-PROTEIN formula, which helps you to build, repair, and recover faster?

Made with four natural, non-GMO proteins that break down in three phases for more energy and strength than regular whey, hemp, or soy protein formulas.

This TRI-PROTEIN formula can…

  • Trigger protein synthesis
  • Help you build lean muscle
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Support your energy levels

The protein powder comes in four delicious flavours…vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and banana—so, take your pick.